Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Best Series On Netflix Streaming

Last week, we ranked the 25 best series on Netflix. If you’ve seen them all already, then we applaud your television consumption habits. Once you’ve worked your way through them, you might want to dig in deeper, into some classic series, or some of the less well-known shows, or even quite a few shows that had incredible stretches of episodes but weren’t quite as good in their entirety as the series on the former list. Presented alphabetically this time, we’ve run down the next 25 best series on Netflix (for a total of 50, so you’ll never be wanting for Netflix recommendations).

Alias (5 of 5 seasons) — Before Lost but after Felicity, J.J. Abrams gave us the action-packed conspiracy theory drama Alias, which he initially described as an ass-kicking Felicity (it was nothing like that). Jennifer Garner was fantastic in the lead, and the storylines were immensely compelling… for a while. The first two seasons are outstanding, the second two season were pretty good, and the final season was a big bowl of butt. Throughout, however, Garner’s costume changes were always worth tuning in for.

Awake (1 of 1 seasons) — A nifty, little seen Kyle Killen series that aired on NBC for one season, the premise involved a police officer who suffered a car crash with his wife and son. After the accident, whenever he’d fall asleep, he’d wake up in either a world in which his son survived, or a world in which his wife survived, and it depicted all the little differences in each universe. The catch? He had no idea which one was real. It was wound a bit too tightly around its procedural format, but when it let go and focused on its mythology, it was a wickedly fascinating series, and though it only survived the season, the season finale felt like a series finale.

Battlestar Galactica (4 of 4 seasons) – Battlestar Galactica arguably belongs on the top 25 series on Netflix, based on the first season alone, one of the — if not the — single best seasons of sci-fi television, ever. The only thing that kept it out was that it slowed down after the first season, became a bit unmoored, and delivered a controversial, if not unsatisfying ending to a sci-fi drama that often dragged for huge stretches. That said, the acting was excellent, and for its time (just a decade ago), it felt breathtakingly original.

Cheers (11 of 11 seasons) — One of television’s all-time best sitcoms, Cheers is one of the most relaxed, amusing, and warm sitcoms you could ever have the privilege of watching. It may feel a little dated now, especially if you’re not a fan of laugh tracks, but the warmth of the series is timeless.

Childrens Hospital (2 of 5) — A web series packaged and eventually produced for Adult Swim, Children’s Hospital often makes no sense whatsoever, but it packs more laughs in its 10-minute episodes than many sitcoms pack in a season. The cast of regulars is great, but the cast of cameos that stop by is even better. It’s one of those shows where it’s impossible to consume only one at a time; in fact, if you’re not careful, you may end up watching all 18 episodes available on Netflix in one sitting.

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